- Bus Major:
- Personal Services
- Bus Minor:
- Hairdresser/Barber shop
- Build. Type:
- Low Rise (2-4 stories)
Well established Hair Design Salon on a busiest streets in Vancouver. It has lots of loyal customers as well as walk-in customers. Very spacious layout, newly renovated for 7 years ago and very well kept. This is a fantastic opportunity for someone to run the hair, beauty, nails saloon & Cosmetic business. 450 sq.ft hair salon with 3 stations, 1 set of shampoo sink and chair, a wash room and a pantry. You can add nails desk, massage & more. Extra space/room for massage tables, facial & spa etc,. Easy to run with one person or with partner/sublet one side for cosmetics/beauty. Great opportunity to be your own boss or you can rent/sublease the premise for $2,500/month to run your own hair saloon business.